Unlock Sustainable Fashion: What it Means & Why it Matters – boardroomfashion
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Unlock Sustainable Fashion: What it Means & Why it Matters

7 Mins read

What is Sustainable Fashion?

Sustainable fashion can be broadly defined as clothing that is produced in an ethical or ecologically sustainable manner. This could range from clothes made from natural materials such as organic cotton or bamboo, to those produced with minimal waste. It also encompasses the idea of buying second-hand items and reusing them, as well as buying garments from companies that use renewable energy sources like solar power for their production.

Why does Sustainable Fashion Matter?

Sustainable fashion matters because the fashion industry is a major contributor to environmental pollution. The production of clothing produces a significant amount of waste, primarily in the form of excess fabric that goes unrecycled and ends up in landfills. It also uses large amounts of energy to create and transport products, and in doing so contributes to global warming. In addition to this, many factories that manufacture clothing are located in countries with low labor standards, which can lead to exploitation of workers. Sustainable fashion attempts to reduce these issues by creating clothing in ways that are mindful of our planet’s limited resources.

The Impact of Sustainable Fashion

The growing trend of sustainable fashion has had a notable impact on the fashion industry. Not only has it created a more conscious approach to shopping, but sustainable fashion also offers an affordable and stylish alternative for people looking to reduce their environmental footprint. It has also helped to bring attention to some of the questionable labor practices in the fashion industry, resulting in higher wages and better working conditions for those involved in production.

The future of sustainable fashion looks bright, with more and more companies beginning to focus on sustainable production and sourcing. This is both beneficial for the environment and beneficial for consumers, who can now find stylish, sustainable alternatives to their favorite fashion items at a fraction of the cost.

The History of Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion has become popular in recent years, but the concept has a long history. Going back to the 1950s, consumers began to focus on natural fibres and materials such as cotton and wool. This shift in mindset led to a revolution in clothing production, with many brands embracing sustainability and ethical practices.

In more recent decades, consumers have become increasingly aware of the impact fashion has on the environment. As a result, more people are choosing to purchase clothes made from sustainable materials, such as organic cotton and recycled fabrics. Brands like H&M and Zara also use sustainable techniques, such as reducing water and energy consumption, that can help reduce their environmental footprint.

Today, sustainable fashion has become an integral part of many people’s everyday lives. By buying clothes that are sustainable and ethical, consumers are helping to reduce the negative impacts of the fashion industry on the planet and society. Thus, choosing sustainable fashion is both a moral and economic choice that has the potential to make a real difference to people’s lives and the environment.

The Benefits of Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion has many benefits, which make it an attractive option for people looking to buy clothing. On a environmental level, sustainable fashion helps protect resources and reduce waste. By buying clothes made from eco-friendly fabrics and recycled materials, we can help reduce air, water, and soil pollution. Buying local produce and reducing carbon emissions is another way to reduce the impact that fashion has on our planet.

On an economic level, sustainable fashion can help ensure that manufacturers are operating in a safe and responsible manner. This ensures that working conditions are better for everyone involved in the production process. Furthermore, the use of durable fabrics and recyclable materials means that it will cost less to replace garments when they’re worn out or damaged.

From a moral standpoint, sustainable fashion is about more than just buying ethically produced clothes. It’s also about supporting small businesses and local artisans, who are often the people creating the most innovative and unique designs. By choosing to shop consciously, we can help keep these small businesses going and give them the support they need to continue producing beautiful, unique clothing.

How to Source Sustainable Clothing

When shopping for sustainable fashion, it’s important to recognise the tips and tricks that will help you identify ethical clothing. Some of the key indicators of sustainability include looking at the clothing materials, how it was manufactured and where it was made.

Sustainable clothing is typically made from natural, recycled, or upcycled materials. Commonly used fabrics include hemp, organic cotton, bamboo, and linen. If a product has synthetic materials like polyester or nylon listed in its materials , it is most likely not sustainable. It’s also important to look out for any dyes or finishes used on the fabrics, as these can be damaging to the environment. In addition, check if any third-party certification labels (such as Fairtrade) are included to ensure proper working conditions and wages for all those involved in the production process.

Sustainable clothing can be found both in physical stores and online. Many boutique stores now stock eco-friendly items, and local farmers’ markets are an excellent source of ethically produced clothes. Additionally, there are many online stores selling sustainable fashion, often with free shipping for customer convenience.

It’s worth keeping in mind that the price of sustainable clothes is generally higher than non-sustainable ones. This is because of the extra costs involved in the production processes and making sure workers are paid fairly. However, it’s worth investing in ethical fashion, as they tend to be more durable and last longer.

Deconstructing Claims of “Sustainability”

When shopping for sustainable fashion, it can be difficult to distinguish between items that are truly sustainable and those which are falsely claiming to be. To make sure you buy the right kind of clothing, it’s important to understand how companies might attempt to deceive customers with false claims of sustainability.

To start, some companies may only meet some of the criteria for sustainable fashion but still slap a sustainability-related label on their products. This could be anything from using recycled materials in some items, to donating a small percentage of profits to an environmental organization, to promoting a vague statement about the environment without specific action. Companies may also use deceptive terms such as ‘eco-friendly’ or ‘green’ to describe clothing that is not actually sustainable.

It is also essential to consider the lifecycle of a garment when determining its sustainability. A garment made of organic materials may have a smaller environmental impact than one made of synthetic materials. However, if the manufacturing and shipping processes are not ethical and sustainable, then the garment is not truly sustainable.

To ensure your purchases are sustainable, look closely at the claims that companies make about their goods. Research the company, read product labels, and look for third-party certifications. Certified standards include GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard), Fairtrade, and OEKO-TEX, all of which indicate that the clothing has been produced according to sustainable practices.

By deconstructing claims made by companies and looking for evidence to back them up, you can be confident that your purchases are genuinely sustainable.

The Pros and Cons of Sustainable Clothing

When it comes to sustainability in the fashion industry, there’s no definitive answer as to whether or not it is beneficial. There are advantages and disadvantages to sustainable fashion for both buyers and sellers. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of buying sustainable clothing.

Pros for Buyers

  • Buying sustainable fashion can make buyers feel good knowing that they are doing their bit for the environment.
  • Sustainable clothes may last longer because they are made from more hardwearing materials.
  • These products are often of high quality and have superior craftsmanship.
  • The prices for sustainable pieces are often competitive, meaning buyers can get great value for money.

Cons for Buyers

  • Sustainable clothing can be harder to find than regular clothes.
  • It can be difficult to discern between genuine sustainable pieces and those which have been falsely marketed as “sustainable”.
  • It can be expensive to buy sustainable clothes due to higher production costs.

Pros for Sellers

  • Sellers can tap into the growing market of eco-conscious consumers.
  • The added value of sustainable products means sellers can charge higher prices for their clothes.
  • Sellers of sustainable fashion can benefit from increased brand loyalty due to the ethical nature of their product.

Cons for Sellers

  • The higher cost of production can mean less profit for the seller.
  • Sellers must be careful to only stock genuine sustainable clothing, as there are a lot of false claims in the market.
  • The demand for sustainable fashion isn’t as high as for non-sustainable fashion, meaning sellers may struggle to sell enough stock.

Questions to Ask Before Committing to Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion is an important step towards helping the environment and ensuring better practices across the textile industry, but finding clothes that meet the criteria for sustainability can be difficult. As a consumer, it is important to ask yourself key questions when determining if what you are buying is actually sustainable.

Below is a list of questions we recommend asking before committing to a sustainable purchase:

  • Where was the clothing made and under what conditions?
  • What type of materials were used in its construction?
  • Did the company use any fair trade certifications to guarantee ethical production?
  • Are the dyes used environmentally friendly?
  • Are there any available certifications that the company has received related to sustainability?
  • Is the company transparent about their materials and supply chain?
  • Does the company provide accurate information about the item’s impact on the environment?
  • What type of packaging does the company use and is it recyclable?
  • Can the clothing be recycled or reused efficiently?

By answering these questions and doing your research, you will be sure to make informed decisions about your sustainable investments.


Sustainable fashion is a movement that can have huge positive impacts on our environment, economy, and moral responsibility. It encompasses the design of clothes, the sourcing of materials, the manufacture of garments, and the consumption of clothing. The benefits of choosing sustainable fashion over traditional fast fashion are numerous, as it can reduce our impact on the environment, create fairer labor conditions, and increase economic opportunity.

When looking for sustainable fashion items, it is important to ask questions about the ethics of the clothing, materials used, country of origin, and processes involved in production. Consumers should also be aware of false claims made by companies which advertise ‘sustainable’ products, as there are still no industry-wide standards in place.

The choice to invest in sustainable fashion is ultimately down to the consumer, but one thing is certain: sustainable fashion matters. By supporting these brands, we can make a difference in the world and create a more positive future.

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